Monday, February 07, 2005

Decisions and REBT

So, I got an email on Friday night telling me that I have been accepted into the PhD program at the University of Texas at Austin. I'm definitely happy - it's nice to be wanted. And although I haven't gotten my official letter yet to tell me if I got funding or not, I did get an email from a friend who attends UT. She went to PSU for her Master's program and started at UT this past fall.

She loves it there, but wanted to tell me about some shady things she heard about the interpersonal faculty. I was glad she told me, but this just made me feel even more like maybe I am not meant to be there. So, we'll see what kind of package they offer me (if any) but for now it looks like I'll be at PSU for my PhD as well. Let's hope I can figure out what faculty member I could work with.

This past weekend was pretty good, although I'm feeling more and more stressed and weighed down. I guess I knew going into this semester that it was going to be really tough, but now I'm doubting my ability to get through it! Somehow things always get done - I realize this - but it doesn't mean it's going to be fun.

Jesse has been trying to tell me about some cognitive tricks to change how you feel. REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) I think it's called. I just googled it and found this article. The basic concept is that people can change how they feel by changing their irrational beliefs about things that happen. Instead of speaking in absolute terms and thinking about events in terms of "shoulds" and "musts" and all that, you're supposed to replace those thoughts were more flexible terms in hopes of not feeling unhealthy negative emotions.

I definitely can be quite dramatic about things -- at least I talk that way. So maybe I do need to try to change my thoughts about a lot of these things I have on my plate right now and maybe I'll be able to handle them better. Honestly, my first year here was so difficult, I'm sure I can get through whatever comes my way this semester. The problem is that I'd also like to have a life and be happy as well. We'll see how well I can balance these things.

Okay, enough complaining for me right now! Hope you all are having a happy monday morning.


At February 16, 2005 at 3:33 PM , Blogger jen lemen said...

i don't think that style of therapy can do squat for we NFs! what's rational about our drama? i prefer a nice dose of diversions, especially movies, where i can completely immerse myself in someone else's traumas instead of constantly generating my own.

love you, rach. and identify completely!

to drama queens everywhere!


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