Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Less cleanup!

Jesse sent me this quote today -

Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion .. . . I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.
-- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

So, I'm all up for some laughing! Post any funny jokes or stories or embarrassing things that happened to you and we'll see if we can get some laughter going.

I'll start:

Courtney and I were backpacking in Europe the summer before junior year of college (2002?). While in Prague, we switched hostels which meant we had to lug our packs on the bus.

Now, the bus drivers in Prague forget that buses are not sports cars and take turns like they're on a race track. They also forget that some people are standing on the bus and that turning very fast and speeding are dangerous.

So there I am, too short to get a good grip on those bars over my head, bracing myself as the bus whips around turns. My pack is a good 40 lbs. and suddenly, I lose my balance and topple backwards onto the tiniest 98 pound woman sitting on the aisle seat. As if it wasn't bad enough to fall on her, I couldn't get up. I was like a turtle on its back trying to get up - my arms and legs flailing, trying to grab onto something. The entire bus is staring at me for what felt like an hour and NO ONE is helping me. Courtney is at the end of the bus, looking slightly mortified and completely amused.

I finally manage to grab some guy's hand and plead "HELP!" He didn't really have any choice and I pulled myself up, turning quickly to see if I completely squashed the poor tiny woman beneath my bulging backpack. I apologized profusely although I don't think she understood me and said something about the crazy bus driver and the turns.

The rest of the ride, I kept my head down and focused intently on trying not to let my feet sway one bit, thinking that everyone must be looking at me -- the stupid american girl with the huge backpack who squished a poor small woman who was just trying to get to work.

Now, your turn!


At February 9, 2005 at 10:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rach, it's Amy.
I do not have any SUPER funny stories, but I will tell you about my weekend and how I became an Eagles fan.

So EVERYBODY at my work has been going nuts about the Eagles. There are 17 women in my department and there are only two of us who don't know what an off sides kick means. So on friday at work everybody was wearing their Eagles gear and going a little nuts. These women do not look like football fans either. They are older, QVC watching, South Beach dieting, motherly types who just happen to get a blood-crazed ravenous look in their eyes when they talk about "the birds". So I try my best to play along and ask who is who and what the score was but I couldn't really care less. Well on Friday every HOUR ON THE HOUR the entire office (all departments, not just mine) got up and sang the Eagles cheer song at the top of their lungs! It ends with a rip roarin spelling of the team name, E-A-G-L-E-S EAAAGGGLESSSSS! I swear to you, one woman was doing cartwheels down the row of cubicals! Anyway I was not singing along and I thought they were going to burn me at the stake! I now know how those women felt in Salem who were on trial for being witches.
"Amy is anti-Eagles!" "BOOOOOO Amy!" "Why aren't you wearing green!!!?" "What's a matter with you Amy, where is your team spirit!?"
Excuse me, where is my team spirit, where is your sanity you lunatics!!??? I wanted the Eagles to win, I want my fellow Philadelphians to be happy, but my happiness is not riding on a football game, psychos!
Let's just say I was watching my back that day at work!
So saturday night the lunacy continued. I was out in Old City and the bar I was at must have played the Eagles victory song at least once every 5th song! For those of you who do not know it, it starts with a huge beating of the drums and then, "Fly Eagles Fly on the road to victory..." google it, it is kind of amusing when you picture 300 drunk philadelphians pumping their fists in the air and screaming along.
Anyway, so after all the bars closed, the pandamonium continued into the street. People were RIOTING! Not violent, but there was way too much testosterone in the street. Newspapers were thrown everywhere, people honking horns, standing on street lights, jumping on their friends backs, screaming at the top of their lungs, high fives all around (I got a couple that REALLY stung) and all of this was trying to be controlled by about four cops who kept laughing and probably would have been participating had they not been on duty. It was one of the most entertaining things I have ever seen. We just watched it continue on for almost two hours! It was also unseasonably warm so everyone in the city was in a good mood.
By Sunday I think I had been converted into a true fan and I walked down to the local bar to (humming the eagles song which has yet to leave my head) and shouted and cheered with my new neighbors. It really is too bad we lost, I was really hoping for a win just to really see the city go crazy with insane Eagles love. Oh well, next year!


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