Guess what?
I made myself an hourly schedule for today. Isn't that impressive? If you don't know me, trust's impressive.
I am reading this book about the thesis process (from start to finish!) and decided, yes, I too need a schedule.
Technically I am taking SIX thesis credits right now, which means I should be working my butt off with it. Instead, I have been avoiding it by playing sims 2, walking my dog, learning pilates stretches, reading books not related to school, opening new email accounts, running short distances very often (still healing)....and other fun things that don't involve my thesis.
Perhaps this post itself is an excersise in procrastination. The one kind of funny (but not really) thing in the book is their little mantra that they say you should put on your wall.
The master of P & A becomes the ABT.
I'll let you think about what that could mean.
Off to physical therapy!
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