Where's my motivation?
Ever get in those motivational slumps?
My mom has always told me to "just wait for the 'P' spurt." For those of you who don't know about myers briggs, p = perceiver and basically means that you don't do well with structured schedules and that you enjoy generating options more than making decisions. It also means you tend to be less organized than J's (judgers) and wait till the last minute to do things often. Sometimes this pressure makes P perform better. So a P spurt is when you all of a sudden get the surge of energy and desire to do something.
Growing up, I had to wait for P spurts to clean my room or organize things. I would be looking for something random in my closet and not be able to find it and all of a sudden it hit me. I had to reorganize my entire closet and perhaps my entire room right at that moment. Usually that momentum would get me through three quarters of the project. If I was lucky, it kept up until I finished the job.
So when I was home this weekend, moping about my thesis and wondering how all that work ever gets done, my mom says, "You'll do fine, just wait for P spurt." Of course, I think, I'll just wait for the mood to strike me, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I don't have to try to get motivated. No, it was just descend on me like a strong wind and push me to complete all my necessary responsibilities. Until then, I can't be blamed! I am much more successful and productive when I have my P spurt to support me. So, why not just let it all go for awhile?
The only problem with this is that sometimes the P spurt doesn't visit you before the necessary deadlines. Then what is to be done?
I'm in one of those P-spurt-less slumps this afternoon. I came home at 2 to read some articles and do homework and so far what have I done?
- made lunch (steamed broccoli and potatoes)
- Watched an episode of the makeover story
- checked my email an unnecessary amount of times
- downloaded Napster (I get free streaming songs through school! Currently listening to coldplay's live album)
- drank a ton of diet green tea
- petted my dog
- read 1/2 of one page of one reading
- wrote this blog
I have refrained from playing Sims 2, as I know this will gobble up more hours than I planned for.
Maybe I will take my dog for a walk and pray to the gods of P-ness (haha - say that out loud!) to
bestow upon me a P spurt that will get me through all of these hundreds of pages of reading and maybe even a little thesis work.
P.S - I just did a spell check...and "blog" is not in the blogger spell checker! Isn't that funny?
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