Thursday, October 28, 2004

Prayers, positive thoughts, whatever

So the marathon is 3 days away. THREE days away! And my knee is still hurting, despite having been to 17 Physical therapy sessions in the past six weeks. I have another session on Friday to get one last dose of the topical anti-inflammatory into my knee before the race and then that's it! Six months of training are coming to an end in what will hopefully be a triumphant completion of my first marathon.

So for all of you who pray or meditate or have a gift for affecting the future in some way, I could use some help! Send those positive thoughts my way and the godly requests upwards.

Or, perhaps you could help in the following ways:

Do you know someone who gives cheap coritsone shots in dark alleys?

Do you know a doctor who could prescribe some serious pain medications that would get me through, oh four or five hours of intense exercise?

Do you know someone who has superhero healing powers?

Are you aware of ways to run 26.2 miles only using one leg?

Are you an expert in putting mind over body and overcoming physical limitations?

Please contact me ASAP if you have abilities or know someone with abilities in any of these areas.

If not, well then, just wish me luck and if you're in the area, come out and cheer. You can even get email updates during the race that will give you updates on my time. Sign up here.

I'll give you a full report afterwards...assuming I make it through!! :)


At October 28, 2004 at 11:15 AM , Blogger Dave said...

We will be there! I admire your persistence. You're gonna do great.

Can we bring anything for you? Clif Shots, Gu, water? Do you want us to be at particular mile markers?


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