Monday, November 08, 2004

Lost the will to work

I am so completely BLAH right now. 100% BLAH. Ever feel that way?

There's not even that many good reasons to be blah, especially since Jesse brought me bright red Gerber daisies today for no reason. And they are my favorite flower. I like them because they are so happy and bright and big and cheerful. And yet even those sunny flowers aren't lifting my gloominess.

As I've explained before, us "Perceivers" (Myers Briggs talk again) are procrastinators in many ways. But once we get that spurt of energy, we can get a lot done. So once again, here I am, hoping for something to inspire me and get me going.

The task at hand is constructing an axiomatic communication theory. We can build off of one that has already been created or propose a whole new one. Since my thesis is on hurtful communication, I want to write a theory about that. But, ummm, where do I start?!

You would think that in class we would have discussed how to go about accomplishing such a task. But we didn't really. We talked about what makes a good theory and a bad theory and what components we needed.

Oh how I could use a muse right now. That kinda rhymed. Ha.

The deadline is next Wednesday...Which leaves a little more than a week. The thing is that I am going to Chicago this Wednesday until Sunday for the national communication association conference. I'm really looking forward to this. I haven't been to one yet, nor have I been to Chicago. But, this also means that I won't be getting much done there...So I should be doing it tonight!

One cool thing that is happening there is I am meeting with a professor whose research I am basing my thesis on. She started the whole vein of research on hurtful messages and does a lot on family communication and emotions and attributions in general. She seems very friendly over email and one of my other professors called her a "superior human being" so this makes me even more excited to meet her.

Since I am going to the conference, I missing two things though:

1) Dave's marathon! He came out to cheer for me and I wish I could go to cheer him on at the Richmond marathon. I'm sure he'll do great though and I'm sure his family will give him plenty of cheers and encouragement.

2) Friend's wedding. Weddings aren't always that much fun, but hey, I feel bad I have to miss it.

Okay, it's like 7:45 right now...Maybe I should just MAKE myself go to the library. Even if I fall asleep on the desk there it might make me feel better.

Seriously, since the marathon a week ago, I feel like I am in a daze. I'm SO tired and out of it even though I'm getting enough sleep. Hopefully this will end soon and I'll be back to my normal peppy self.

Thanks for listening. Back to staring at a blank screen in need of 15-20 pages of theoretical brilliance.



At November 9, 2004 at 9:03 AM , Blogger Dave said...

Call Jen! She's great at outlining other people's papers. Seriously, you'll continue to face writer's block if you force yourself to sit in front of a computer screen alone and write. One could argue that it's like making a kid sit at the table until she eats her vegetables. Hmmm.... Call Jen, talk about what you're thinking, and then document the conversation. You'll do great.

With the election behind us, I can tell you I've learned two things about hurtful communication:
1. It's often used by someone to hide the fact that he's plain wrong.
2. It's very effective.

At November 12, 2004 at 11:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess that means this weekend wouldn't be a good weekend to come visit. I want to come up and visit soon so let's plan a spa day for after your craziness is over!

At November 14, 2004 at 10:12 PM , Blogger jen lemen said...

are you still stuck? did you get the "p" burst?
i'll extrovert with you anytime. call me! :)


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