Monday, December 13, 2004

Running outta steam...

I think everyone is just ready for this semester to be over. In runner's terms, I've hit the wall. I'm totally over it. I don't care how hard I've worked on anything thus far, I just want to throw in the towel and say "i'm out."

unfortunately, 25% of my grade is still waiting to be turned in. it's a take-home final with four questions. the page range is 21-38 pages for the complete thing. so far i have 2. ugh. that's a long way to go. this sure does feel like a marathon.

kito really wants to play. last night jesse and i sat in the hallway (we have a long hallway) at either end and played keep away with kito. then kito went to eat some of his food, but jesse and i just kept throwing the ball back and forth. it was so much fun not to think. then my roommate walked in, looking a bit perplexed at seeing us sitting on the floor playing with dog toys and no dog in sight.

I'm a member of blockbuster online (until my free membership runs out) so today I got the terminal in the mail. add that to the other two movies i have (a documentary on bonhoeffer and cold mountain) and there's tons of entertainment waiting for me. if i only i got muster up the motivation to push past the wall and keep on going till the finish line.


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