New Beginnings
I love the idea of something being new. Of having a fresh start. And I guess a lot of people do. That's why we call it a "new" year and why people make resolutions. When I think about 2005, I really do think it's going to be a different year. Some things are going to change without me trying to change them and other things are going to take some effort.
Here's some things I'd like to happen this year (besides the ritual "get in better shape" and "eat better"...both of which I intend to do.)
stop being so absorbed in my own head
start really seeing people
make opportunities to have meaningful conversations with people
contribute to my community
try to be a better long distance friend
find a church...or some other spiritual place to be a part of
read books for fun
learn a new skill (maybe sewing)
do unexpected thoughtful things for people
become friends with someone new
travel to another country
what are your hopes for this year?
i like your list, rach!
i think i would like to concentrate on my kids more, in a certain kind of way....really listening, really engaging them. playing more.
i want to learn how to listen better and be quiet with people more, instead of always chattering on with my opinions about everything (nearly impossible, i know)
i'd like to fully utilize all the technology i own
i'd like to practice the art of appreciation, especially about dave--really cultivate a deep gratitude
i want to be quiet and make more space for solitude
i want to make some peace with my place in the world and not strive so much to make things better all the time; i need to just be.
oh, make lots of art, have lots more sex.
my list and more than you needed to know!
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