Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day!

I am trying my hardest not to focus on the negative parts of my day, even though that's what I intended to do when I opened up blogger. I intended to complain. But I am resisting the urge!

Okay, so instead...here it goes. I am so LUCKY because I have a wonderful husband who cleaned the apartment today, cooked dinner, purchased some gorgeous overpriced roses, and even made the bed. I love getting into a bed at night that has been made. Don't know why, but it makes me happy and that much *more* excited to go to sleep.

Oh and he wrote me a poem! Maybe I'll get his permission to post it, because it's really beautiful. And not even in a gushy way. More of a artistic poetic way. Really.

I won't tell you why I am sitting at the computer right now and he is in the other room watching TV without me. Can't focus on the negatives...must be positive!!

Here's to hoping everyone experienced a little love today, whether it was in the smile of a stranger or the gesture of a loved one.


At February 15, 2006 at 7:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry rach!
i'm always being tortured by my misplaced expectations, so i'm glad you can see the positive! that's got to help a lot!

here's hoping everything looks brighter this morning.

At February 15, 2006 at 4:39 PM , Blogger Meg said...

That encouraged me! Way to look at the good stuff...I needed to think of those good things when I decided to NOT get up and work out this morning!!!

Keep looking up...

At May 2, 2006 at 9:09 PM , Blogger Rachel said...

this is a super old post now, but just to clarify...i wasn't upset at jesse about anything! i was frustrated because instead of spending time with him, i had to work on a paper. i feel bad that anyone may have read the post and thought i was upset at him!


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